
Who We Are

We are Mike and Tina Hook AGWM Missionaries to the country of Scotland.  We started out our first term helping to plant children’s ministries at a church plant in Edinburgh.

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Where we are going

God has called us to return to Scotland after this year of intineration and plant communities of faith in the Highlands.  The vision is communities all around the Highlands ignited in such a fashion for God that their communities are changed.


How will we accomplish

God has an amazing plan!  We are planning to build relationships with people.  Maybe it will be by joining a hill walking club or a baking class or a fishing class.  Maybe it will be by reaching out to the children in the community to offer holiday clubs or a community choir.  Reaching these communities will be different and challenging.

Secular people aren’t easy to reach.  They aren’t necessarily atheists.  They might believe that a higher power exists but they don’t see the relevance to their lives.  When truth is subject to the beholder then who is the standard?  Our hearts weep for these people.  We want to see more than this generation or the next generation on fire for Christ.  In our hearts, we see every generation ignited with such passion that the darkness is forced to flee!  God can do that.

Next Steps…

Won’t you join with us in prayer and in financial support?  We are just starting in our itineration cycle and we would love to have you partner with us!

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